3 Guardian at the Gate, Reversed - and others
This morning I drew the Guardian at the Gate, reversed, for my card for the day. My life has been full of changes, and I've been seeing this as a difficult-to-get-through gateway. The harder I try to get through the transitions to a peaceful place on the other side, the more obstacles I run into.
I'm just realizing that it may be saying that "a peaceful place on the other side" might just be an illusion...
Ok, I'll think more about that in a bit. Whatever is on the other side will wait until I get there. Right now, I just need to get through all the changes currently facing me, and then find out what is next. Or do I? The card is reversed, so either the gate is blocked somehow or I'm afraid to go through it. Maybe I'm afraid to go through it be because it really isn't going to make things better. So perhaps what is ahead is different, but not necessarily peace and quiet contentment. I really am wondering now... maybe even the whole idea that there is a gate with one thing on one side and something different on the other is just wishful thinking.
I guess I need to think about what it means if this process just keeps on happening with no resolution into peacefullness but just more of life as usual.
I just drew another card, asking what is on the other side of the gate, and got Unity. My first hopeful leap on that is "Oh, great! Everything is going to come together and be just fine!" But I don't think that's quite right. I suspect that it's really saying, when I really listen, that things are as they are, it's not going to suddenly become all okay. What's on the other side of the gate is all one piece with what's on this side. I'm going to have to continue taking the rough with the smooth. I just hope that there can be a little less rough and a lot more smooth, but perhaps I need to let that go of that idea as well.
Unity is saying to me right now that life is all one piece, all woven together. Take it as it comes; don't get thrown off balance by the things that happen. Don't expect that they will stop happening, either. What is, is. Deal with it. But it's okay to ask for help as I deal with it.
In fact, I'd better ask for help or they'll be miffed at not getting to help. They know they are better at this than I am.
So then, not much liking (though appreciating and saying thank you) the daily news from the Otherworld, I drew another card, asking, "Is there some good news for the day?"
Lys of the Shadows came up, patted me on the head, and said, "This is good news - you just don't know it yet!"
Then, I spoke with a friend and we discussed it a bit. He drew a card for me, in hopes of sorting this out. Nelys the Alchemyst came up. The message he got from her is that, yes, things really are changing, and they won't be what they were before once the changes take place. That doesn't mean that everything will suddenly become easy. Some old problems will go away, and new lessons take their place. However, that's no excuse not to get on with it!
Hopefully, some of the new lessons will be less stressful and more fun! But it isn't a promise.
You know, I didn't especially want to hear this on the overcast morning with a soot-covered house, cat, and self to deal with...
For information on why we are all soot-covered here, see http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-FMpOHlwwdZk1A.LTogvJ?p=570 for the fiery details. And no, I didn't draw a card for that day until after the fire.
I'm just realizing that it may be saying that "a peaceful place on the other side" might just be an illusion...
Ok, I'll think more about that in a bit. Whatever is on the other side will wait until I get there. Right now, I just need to get through all the changes currently facing me, and then find out what is next. Or do I? The card is reversed, so either the gate is blocked somehow or I'm afraid to go through it. Maybe I'm afraid to go through it be because it really isn't going to make things better. So perhaps what is ahead is different, but not necessarily peace and quiet contentment. I really am wondering now... maybe even the whole idea that there is a gate with one thing on one side and something different on the other is just wishful thinking.
I guess I need to think about what it means if this process just keeps on happening with no resolution into peacefullness but just more of life as usual.
I just drew another card, asking what is on the other side of the gate, and got Unity. My first hopeful leap on that is "Oh, great! Everything is going to come together and be just fine!" But I don't think that's quite right. I suspect that it's really saying, when I really listen, that things are as they are, it's not going to suddenly become all okay. What's on the other side of the gate is all one piece with what's on this side. I'm going to have to continue taking the rough with the smooth. I just hope that there can be a little less rough and a lot more smooth, but perhaps I need to let that go of that idea as well.
Unity is saying to me right now that life is all one piece, all woven together. Take it as it comes; don't get thrown off balance by the things that happen. Don't expect that they will stop happening, either. What is, is. Deal with it. But it's okay to ask for help as I deal with it.
In fact, I'd better ask for help or they'll be miffed at not getting to help. They know they are better at this than I am.
So then, not much liking (though appreciating and saying thank you) the daily news from the Otherworld, I drew another card, asking, "Is there some good news for the day?"
Lys of the Shadows came up, patted me on the head, and said, "This is good news - you just don't know it yet!"
Then, I spoke with a friend and we discussed it a bit. He drew a card for me, in hopes of sorting this out. Nelys the Alchemyst came up. The message he got from her is that, yes, things really are changing, and they won't be what they were before once the changes take place. That doesn't mean that everything will suddenly become easy. Some old problems will go away, and new lessons take their place. However, that's no excuse not to get on with it!
Hopefully, some of the new lessons will be less stressful and more fun! But it isn't a promise.
You know, I didn't especially want to hear this on the overcast morning with a soot-covered house, cat, and self to deal with...
For information on why we are all soot-covered here, see http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-FMpOHlwwdZk1A.LTogvJ?p=570 for the fiery details. And no, I didn't draw a card for that day until after the fire.
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