Almost Midwinter's Day
Well, here I am on my fourth blog post and it's been nearly six months since I started this. I'm not doing very well on my intention to add something most days, am I? I had to confess to a writer's group this morning that I was a blogger washout, and that seems to have nudged me here.
Today's card of the day...Laiste, Moon's Daughter (number 38). Here in the north it is nearly the darkest time of the year, and I'm looking forward with Laiste to happier, brighter days. What a lovely card to draw for such a dreicht winter day! (I may not have spelled "dreicht" right, but the dictionary doesn't know either. It's one of those Scots words really, but it's the best one I know for a dreary, wet, melancholy, depressing, cold, and generally yukky day.) However, Laiste doesn't look dreary at all - she looks smugly joyful. I'm so glad she came up. Suddenly I'm feeling like the tunnel in which I seem caught has windows, with occasional sunbeams shining through them and a faery crystal filling my space with bright rainbows.

Don't mistake me here - I'm not saying there is no light at the end of this tunnel of mine just because I don't see it. The world is full of surprises and Laiste reminds me that perhaps it is a tunnel with a curve. If so, I might not see the light even if it were there and not far away. Perhaps so. Perhaps the light isn't where I thought it would be, but there might be one anyway. She looks so smug about it that I have to smile. Ok, Laiste, I'll keep my eyes open and see if I can find any reflected light on the walls of the tunnel ahead. And I'll keep looking out the windows meanwhile. It looks good out there, and at least my tunnel is dry.
Today's card of the day...Laiste, Moon's Daughter (number 38). Here in the north it is nearly the darkest time of the year, and I'm looking forward with Laiste to happier, brighter days. What a lovely card to draw for such a dreicht winter day! (I may not have spelled "dreicht" right, but the dictionary doesn't know either. It's one of those Scots words really, but it's the best one I know for a dreary, wet, melancholy, depressing, cold, and generally yukky day.) However, Laiste doesn't look dreary at all - she looks smugly joyful. I'm so glad she came up. Suddenly I'm feeling like the tunnel in which I seem caught has windows, with occasional sunbeams shining through them and a faery crystal filling my space with bright rainbows.

Don't mistake me here - I'm not saying there is no light at the end of this tunnel of mine just because I don't see it. The world is full of surprises and Laiste reminds me that perhaps it is a tunnel with a curve. If so, I might not see the light even if it were there and not far away. Perhaps so. Perhaps the light isn't where I thought it would be, but there might be one anyway. She looks so smug about it that I have to smile. Ok, Laiste, I'll keep my eyes open and see if I can find any reflected light on the walls of the tunnel ahead. And I'll keep looking out the windows meanwhile. It looks good out there, and at least my tunnel is dry.