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Faeries' Oracle

Thoughts and notions currently processing... I'll be using the Faeries' Oracle and other divination tools to consider various things--life, writing, play, love, and growing.

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Location: Kinda in the woods, Pacific Northwest, United States

Author of the Faeries' Oracle, Moon Over Water, Sun Over Mountain, and a multitude of odds and ends. Coyote poet. Grandmother. General troublemaker and rattler of cages.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

51 Topsie Turvets

This morning when I did my usual consider-the-day thing, drawing a card to see what the fae have to say, the one that came up was the Topsie Turvets. All those faces peer out from this card. Turn them around and voila! They still are upright, laughing at what they see. They say, "See things in a different way, silly! Look at life again - it is what you think, but it's more than that too. Things have turned - be glad!"

Okay, so I've been thinking about that as I go through the day. I finally got it that, indeed, things have not only been changing, and not only have I been living with the Singer of Transfiguration on one side and Nelys the Alchemyst on the other, but things have changed and some kind of a critical point has been passed. No going back, not even a desire to go back.

I've reached that wonderful point where I'm actually looking forward - and doing it with hope and delight in what I see. I have, with Nelys and the Singer's help, made certain decisions, adjustments, and attitude changes. The decisions (sooooo tricky for a Libra) have been made. I'm committed to the change.

Thanks to the Turvets for helping me realize this! It feels a lot more comfortable than all that feeling of being suspended in mid-air.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

11 Singer of Transfiguration

Card of the day:

The Singer of Transfiguration says things not only change - sometimes they change forever and you never will go back to where/what/who you were before, and this is one of those times. Since it's a Singer, I also have to assume that this transfiguration is for my highest good.

Today, I start to clear and clean the place I'm moving into and to take some things down there. Life is overflowing with change.

I'm also thinking that the number 11 indicates that I'll have help with this, which is just as well and for which I'm very grateful. Not only the fae and singers are helping, but I have tangible, physical help as well. Lots of boxes to carry, furniture to move!

In a way, I think I'm glad to hear that it is transfiguration and not just another wobbly change that may only rock the boat and then take me back where I began. Real transfiguration moves us on to a new level, a whole new way of being.

Monday, March 06, 2006

43 Geeeeeooo the Slooow

First thing this morning, I staggered out of bed and went into the living room to pull the card for the day. Geeeeeooo the Slooow... how funny! That was exactly how I felt. I've been rushing around for days. I'm moving out of my house, but didn't have a place to move to and now I do. It required a lot of fancy footwork over the weekend to set that up. Running around like a mad squirrel. So, today I'm sitting (and napping) and catching up for the week ahead.

I'm even puttering a little in the garden. In the garden I always feel that Geeeeeooo and Myk are with me, their slow voices making observations and offering suggestions. There is a lot that needs to be done. Go slow. Notice things. Let the whirling swirling action going on in and around my life happen by itself for one day while I rest and restore myself.

Tomorrow will be different, for sure.