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Faeries' Oracle

Thoughts and notions currently processing... I'll be using the Faeries' Oracle and other divination tools to consider various things--life, writing, play, love, and growing.

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Location: Kinda in the woods, Pacific Northwest, United States

Author of the Faeries' Oracle, Moon Over Water, Sun Over Mountain, and a multitude of odds and ends. Coyote poet. Grandmother. General troublemaker and rattler of cages.

Friday, June 09, 2006

20 Dark Lady

My card for today is the Dark Lady. It's a little surprising to pull her card so close to the Bright Mother's full moon, but these things happen, especially when I'm falling behind. I look at her, puzzled, but not really listening. When I finally realize that I'm not listening, I center and earth myself and open up.

She says firmly, "I understand what you need today. You'd understand, too, if you'd listen deeply enough."

This immediately reminds me that I haven't been doing my inner journeys as I had planned, intended, and "want" to do. It also reminds me that I do really need to do them. And it makes it clear that my resistance has been "winning" while I've not been even noticing that it is there. It's the old thing of, if you've decided to do something you want to do and know would be beneficial to you—and then you don't do it, that's resistance, plain and simple.

That searching gaze of hers always makes me feel naked and transparent to her—even if not to myself. I think perhaps an inner journey is in order today to learn what it is that I understand without knowing it—or know without understanding it.

Funny thing—I feel nervous about this, as if she were going to scold me. I usually feel that with her, and yet she has never been other than loving in all the years we have talked together. I suppose I'm projecting my own scolding of myself. (How many times has the Soul Shrinker warned me about that?!?) I get the sense that she is so gentle with me because usually we are dealing with my vulnerabilities, my shadow, the fears and other things that I hide from myself. She doesn't let me hide, but she isn't brutal about her revelations either.

I was kinda hoping for the Faery Godmother today! Fortunately, I can still ask Sairie for help.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

60 The Pook Reversed

I recently did a reading for someone, and the Pook came up several times. What he was saying was a bit unusual so I thought I'd share it, insofar as I can without violating client confidence.

Basically we were looking at patterns of behavior, and each time the Pook came up, he was reversed and he represented a particular type of mental instability. I hadn't thought before of his shape-changing applying to mental/emotional things as well as physical changes, but this was clearly what he was about here.

Each time he came up, we were looking at a form of borderline personality disorder. From an energy point of view, people with this tend to go along ok, ok, ok, ok, just fine - and then boom! You get a surge of rage and of blaming of others, which often focuses on one person as the scapegoat for all their problems.

Usually the accusations made are not just misunderstandings but are a radical twisting of the real situation. Often people with this disorder are very intelligent, so this twisting can sound quite plausible to anyone who doesn't know the actual facts. When the person is under more stress (internal or external), the explosive parts usually are longer and more frequent.

So, what the Pook (reversed) was showing me was this energy pattern of shape changing from ok to "monster" back to ok and repeating indefinitely. To me, this opened up a whole new way of thinking about "shape changing".